Do you feel tired after the whole day of work at the office? Are you tired in the evening after taking care of everyone at home for the entire day? If you are a homemaker or working woman who feels tired in the evening due to the hectic schedule, here is a fantastic solution for you!

When you come home after a tiring day, a hot water bath is all you need to relax and rejuvenate your energy levels. It helps to provide instant energy and remove all the tiredness from the mind and body.
Here are the top 3 health benefits of a hot water shower:
1. Improves blood circulation:
A hot shower is also beneficial to improve blood circulation. Due to this, blood flows well and provides more oxygen to the different parts of the body. As a result, it relieves muscle tension and vanishes body pain also.

2. Removes muscle tension:
A hot shower or bath relieves spasms and removes muscle tension. It also helps to relieve joint pain or body ache and relaxes the body. Hence it is highly beneficial to take a hot shower whenever you feel tired.
3. Provides sound sleep:
Taking a hot water shower helps relax your mind and body. Hence it helps to provide sound sleep at night. So, whenever you feel tired & restless, it is better to take a quick hot water shower and regulate your sleep cycle.
Important Note:
उष्णाम्बुनाध: कायस्य परिषेको बलावह:|
तेनैव उत्तमांगस्य बलहृत् केशचक्षुषाम् | |
As per Ayurveda, you should not wash your head with hot water as it may damage the hair and impair vision. As a result, it could lead to hair loss or premature graying of hairs and weak eyesight.
It is also avised not to take a bath with cold water during cold weather. Taking a cold shower in winter can lead to aggravation of Vata and Kapha dosha. On the other hand, you should avoid hot water baths during summer as it could vitiate Pitta dosha. So, it is also essential to take a bath with hot or cold water according to the weather.
Here we are saying about taking a hot shower when you feel tired, and also the weather is not extremely hot outside. Hopefully, you will find this beneficial and get good results from this small change in your routine.
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