Do you have a history of hemorrhoids? Do you strain and bleed while passing stool? If your answer is yes, you will find effective remedies here to deal with hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids happen when veins of the anus and rectum get swollen due to straining while passing stool. It can occur both internally (inner part of rectum) and externally (anal area).
Hemorrhoids can occur due to prolonged history of constipation, overweight, extended sitting habit, or no exercise routine.
The common symptoms of piles are bleeding, itching, and pain in the anal area while passing stool. Mostly the symptoms go away on their own within a few days.
It has four following grades:
Grade 1 – small inflammation inside the anal lining
Grade 2 – little more extensive inflammation than grade 1
– hemorrhoids bulge out during passing stool
Grade 3 – hemorrhoids are present outside the anus
Grade 4 – hemorrhoids get large in size and needs surgery
Here are the four effective Ayurvedic remedies to deal with hemorrhoids:
1. Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera is cooling in nature and helps to reduce the burning and itching in the anal area.
You can use it internally as well as externally. For external application, apply fresh aloe vera gel over the affected area 2-3 times a day. Internally, drink it twice a day with lukewarm water.
It helps to reduce constipation and soothe the lining of the anal area.
2. Sitz bath to relieve painful haemorrhoids
Sitz bath is a great therapy to deal with hemorrhoids. It helps to soothe the irritation and reduce the painful hemorrhoids. Thus, you can do this continuously until you find relief from painful hemorrhoids.
How to do it?
Firstly pour warm water into a tub. Then soak your but area for 10 to 15 minutes into the warm water.
For quick results, repeat it 2-3 times a day.
3. Triphala churna
It is one of the best herbal preparations for constipation.
Triphala churna contains three herbs, namely- amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki. These three herbs together help to clear the bowel and reduce the painful passage of stools.
For constipation, take one tablespoon of Triphala with warm water at night before going to bed.
4. Eat fibrous food
Food substances rich in fiber helps to get rid of chronic constipation.
Food items like whole grains, broccoli, carrot, potato, sweet potato, yams, and turnips are good fiber sources. These vegetables can help to prevent the repetitive development of bleeding and painful piles.
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