Are you confused about the sleeping position? Do you think you don’t sleep in the correct position at night? If your answer is yes, check out this article to know which is the right position to sleep.

According to Ayurveda, health depends on the three pillars of life. These three pillars are Traya Upastambha i.e. Ahar (food), Nidra (stay), and Brahmacharya (celibacy).
Ayurveda explains that sleep is essential in maintaining a healthy mind and body. If one does not follow a healthy sleep routine, then h/she may end up suffering from various unhealthy conditions.
Along with a good quality of sleep, sleeping in the correct position is also essential to avoid back pain, neck pain, hyperacidity, or snoring. Here is the description of different sleep positions.
Which is the better position to sleep at night?
Sleeping Positions:
- Back
- Stomach
- Right
- Left
Sleeping on back
For most people, sleeping on the back is a comfortable position. Sleeping this way keeps the spine aligned in the proper position. It also prevents back pain. But, one should avoid this position if they suffer from snoring habits or sleep apnea.

Sleeping on stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is an awful position. In this position, the head remains turned to one side. It leads to pain in the shoulder and neck region. Also, it may hamper the normal curvature of the spine.
Right side
Lying on the right side may push the acid up towards the esophagus. It can lead to acidity. As a result, it also disturbs the sleep of an individual.
Right side
Lying on the right side may push the acid up towards the esophagus. It can lead to acidity. As a result, it also disturbs the sleep of an individual.
Left side
Sleeping on the left side is one of the best positions. It prevents snoring, helps in good digestion, promotes complete elimination of stool in the morning, and better flushing toxins through the lymphatic system.
Important Note:
A pregnant woman should sleep on the left side. This position relaxes her spine and maintains proper blood flow.
Sleeping on the back or right side has no big harm unless someone suffers from sleep apnea or hyperacidity. However, sleeping on the left side is the best from above all the positions.
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