Are you overwhelmed by looking into too many skincare routines? Do you want a simple solution for achieving clear and glowing skin? If your answer is yes, check out my simple 5 tips that will help you achieve healthy skin without spending a lot of money on the products.

Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.

You are not alone if you prefer simple skincare routine! I also feel keeping it simple is the best approach to make your skin look better. Skincare is not about applying expensive products but it is more about taking care of your skin inside and out.

Your skin is a by product of your healthy gut. You eat healthy, you start to glow. You eat garbage, your glow tends to go. It is as simple as that. Let’s find out 5 simple ways that can help you achieve healthy glowing skin.

1. Skin Elixir

Adequate hydration is key to maintain overall health. Along with water intake, you can elevate your hydration experience with drinking herbal teas, infused water, and refreshing drinks. For this, you can add mint-lemon tea, amla-beetroot infused water, lemon water, and carom cumin water in your routine. These drinks not only provides hydration but also helps you improve your skin health.

Skincare drink

2. Face packs:

To achieve glowing skin, first it is essential to understand your skin type. Do not follow your friend’s skincare face packs just because it suits her well. We all have different skin types and it is better to go with the skincare face pack that suits your skin better.

Here is an Ayurvedic way to understand your skin and use face packs accordingly:

a) Face pack for a Vata skin type (dry skin, prone to dehydration):

  • 1 tablespoon Chickpea flour + 1 tablespoon Curd + 1/4 teaspoon Honey

Combine these 3 together and mix them well. Apply all over the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash with water, dry your skin with towel, and apply coconut oil or any moisturiser.

b) Pitta skin type (combination, sensitive, prone to acne, irritation):

  • 1-2 tablespoon Sandalwood powder + Rose water

Combine the ingredients together and mix them well. Apply all over the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash with water, dry your skin with towel, and apply aloe vera gel or any

c) Kapha skin type (oily, prone to acne, blackhead, open pores):

  • 1-2 tablespoon Multani Mitti powder + Rose water

Combine the ingredients together and mix them well. Apply all over the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash with water, dry your skin with towel, and apply aloe vera gel or any moisturiser.

Apply these face packs twice a week for better results.


Understand, learn and adopt the ways of ayurveda

3. Fruits every day:

Fruits are rich source of Vitamin C which makes them perfect choice for glowing clear skin. Vitamin C helps in collagen production and also high in antioxidants. Due to this, it protects skin from damage due to free radical. So, include seasonal fruits like strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, guava, oranges, grapes, apple, and papaya every day in your diet.

4. Face Yoga:

It is the best home therapy that you can give to your skin every day in just 5 minutes. This helps to tone your face muscles, provide relaxation, improve blood circulation, and lymphatic drainage. You can practice it under any professional trainer and later do it by yourself. It is not important to do it for 30 minutes but practicing it just for 5 minutes every day consistently can also help you give good results.

5. Face massage:

Wash and cleanse your face and apply the following according to your skin type.

Vata skin type (dry, prone to dehydration) :

  • Apply almond oil/ coconut oil/ or shatadhauta ghrita all over your face and massage gently.

Pitta skin type (combination, sensitive, prone to redness, irritation, acne):

  • Apply coconut oil or aloe vera gel all over your face and massage gently. Once the aloe vera gel is absorbed spray some rose water on your face (optional).

Kapha skin type (oily, prone to acne, enlarged pores, blackhead):

  • Wash your face and apply aloe vera gel all over your face until it gets absorbed.

With the help of proper hydration, face packs once or twice a week, nourishment, face yoga, and face massage, it is possible to attain healthy glowing skin always.