Do you think rice can make you gain weight? Many people believe that eating them can cause weight gain. Let’s talk about it!

Consuming a good variety of rice, cooked with the proper method, eaten in moderation with the right combination does not cause you any weight gain!
मधुरा वीर्यत: शीता लघुपाका बलावहा: |
As per Ayurveda, it has sweet rasa (taste), cold potency, is light to digest, and provides strength to the body.
Rice is an easily digestible & gluten-free grain that offers various health benefits.
Eating them with lentils or vegetables & ghee makes it a wholesome meal. As a result, it helps to provide good nutrition and strength to the body.
But, eating them with every meal in excess amount without a good combination can cause you a weight gain.
So, always remember to eating them with a good combination of lentil, vegetable, and ghee.
What type of rice is the best?
- Locally grown short & thick grain
- Raktashali variety (red rice)
- Shashtika shali – Harvested in 60 days
- Aged – for 1 or 2 year
- Manually cleaned rice (looks slightly brownish)
How to cook them for better digestion?
Firstly, add one teaspoon of ghee in a pan. Then add a cup of washed rice to it. Now, roast it for 1-2 minutes. Finally, add two and a half to three cups of water.
Let it cook slowly on a low flame. The rice must have a soft and chewy texture to eat.
Food consumed in the right amount according to your hunger is best for your overall health!
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