Have you been diagnosed with the polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) lately? It is predominantly seen in women of reproductive age nowadays. But, the good thing is you can manage it easily with dietary and lifestyle changes.

PCOD is a condition that develops due to the formation of cysts (sac-like structures) inside the ovaries. As a result, it causes sudden weight gain, irregular periods, and hair fall.
If not corrected on time, it could create the risk of infertility and metabolic syndrome. So, it is essential to correct this condition as soon as possible.
Here are the five healthy practices to PCOD without any pills:
1. Maintain the sleep-wake cycle
A good sleep-wake cycle helps to regularise hormones. So, it is essential to complete the sleep cycle of 6 to 8 hours every day.
For this, you can try to sleep around 10 pm and wake up before sunrise in the morning. Consequently, this healthy routine will help you get rid of PCOD.
2. Yoga
Yoga helps to cure and prevent various ailments. It balances hormones and regularises the periods. Therefore, it is best to practice Yoga every day for quick effects.
Remember, it is not an instant remedy. It will take time to cure depending upon how regularly you are doing it. For better results, practice below mentioned asanas every day.
Yoga asanas for PCOD:
- Titli asana (Butterfly pose)
- Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
- Surya namaskar (Sun salutations)
- Chakki Chalanasana (Churning mill pose)
3. Eat your last meal before sunset:
Our digestive system cannot digest certain food items after sunset. It could remain undigested inside the body. As a result, undigested food can accumulate toxins inside the body.
So, to balance hormones and improve your health, it is essential to eat the last meal before sunset.
If you cannot manage this, then take only liquid or semi-solid after sundown.
4. Diet changes
Eating healthy is essential to maintain health. Eating healthy homemade food helps to regularise hormones. As a result, it reduces the symptoms and gradually cures PCOD. So, if you are suffering from PCOD
Include the below-mentioned food items in your meals:
- Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin) and nuts (almonds, walnuts)
- Seasonal fruits and vegetables
Avoid the below-mentioned food items:
- Packaged and processed food
- Frozen and refrigerated food
Download our app from the Google Play store and consult us to know more about the PCOD diet.
5. Relax
Give yourself some “Me Time!” It means to relax by doing something that you enjoy.
So, pamper yourself with activities that you love to do, like massage/music/hobby. But, it does not mean to binge-watch your favorite Netflix show. Relaxation here means to spend some quality time with yourself.
You may also practice meditation. It will relax you and balance your energies.
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