Have you spotted saggy and dull skin, dark spots, or wrinkles lately on your face? If yes, then here, you will find out how to deal with them naturally.

Aging is a natural process, and nothing is wrong with it. Everyone has to face aging one day. But, dealing with its signs can be embarrassing sometimes.
Trying simple home remedies can help you to age gracefully. The most common early signs of aging are:
- Dark spots
- Sagging
- Dull skin
- Wrinkles
1. Dark Spots
Dark spots are the early signs of aging. It may occur due to stress, excessive sun exposure, or improper nutrition.
Lemon is one of the best choices to deal with dark spots. It contains a natural bleaching element that clears the skin. Also, due to the plentiful Vitamin C and antioxidants, it quickly reduces the dark spots.
How to use it?
- Take half a lemon.
- Extract juice out of it.
- Add half a water to it.
- Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice.
- Apply it all over the face.
- Wash it off with regular water after 15 minutes.
3. Sagging
Sagging is another sign of aging. With the passing age, skin mostly sags around the face and neck. It happens when the skin loses its elasticity. You can deal with it by eating a sufficient amount of nutrients, exercise, and home remedies.
One of the effective remedies to prevent sagging is the regular use of coconut oil. Coconut oil is hydrating as well as moisturizing. The fats present in it has low molecular weight. Due to this, it goes deep down to the skin and rejuvenates it.
How to use it?
- Apply coconut oil gently all over the face.
- Massage it for 5-10 minutes.
- Repeat it twice a day.
You can also use massage oil as per your body type. Here is the list of face oils which is more suitable as per body type:
- Vata person – Almond oil, Safflower oil
- Pitta person – Nalpamaradi oil, Kumkumadi oil
- Kapha person – Neem oil, Sesame Oil
Download our app from Google Play Store to know your body type.
3. Dull Skin
Dull skin is not always a sign of aging. Due to a wrong sleeping pattern and a less nutritious diet, it may also happen at a young age. But, the body revives more quickly at a younger age than after crossing 30.
To deal with dull skin, follow the five basic rules given below.
- Consume seasonal fruit every day.
- Eat 6-7 overnight soaked almonds every day.
- Practice yoga & pranayama five times a week.
- Scrub your face with sugar and aloe vera gel twice a week.
- Apply licorice, turmeric, and honey face pack three times a week.
4. Wrinkles
Wrinkles are a nightmare for most women. Ayurveda recommends the use of turmeric to delay wrinkles.
Turmeric has been used since ancient times to prevent wrinkles. Along with dealing with wrinkles, it is effective in preventing other aging signs also.
How to use it?
Method 1:
- Take a glass of warm milk.
- Add a pinch of turmeric.
- Drink it every night.
Method 2:
- Make a paste of turmeric and curd.
- Apply it all over the face.
- Wash it off after 15 minutes with cold water.
- Repeat it three times a week.
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